“I really think passion is a huge thing I mean, there are so many people who want to work in sports now, and even with social media as big as it is, there is just so much more exposure to the opportunity of working in sports. Like I think it's only grown in the past 5 years, 10 years, and so like the demand is kind of higher than ever.”

“ I think the reality is , if you really do love the idea of it, of graphic design, or videography, whatever it is that you want to do, if you do start out by doing on any level. Whether it's like for a star athlete from your high school, or if it's for your collegiate athletic department, or it's for a Minor League baseball team like whatever that starting point is, if you do it with passion and like you're bringing new ideas to the table like there's always room for creativity on kind of the smaller levels.”

“I think if you bring passion forward and, just practice and continue to execute as best as you can,that work will be noticed, and there will be a place for you in the industry.”


What is your advice for breaking into the industry?