What makes you unique from others who have a similar job?
“I think that I have had to have a lot of like forced optimism, kind of what I spoke to in growing within my role. Like there's a lot of times where you have to take on a lot of responsibility at first and then get recognized, instead of getting recognized and then taking on the responsibility.”
“I think in any job there are a lot of frustrations. I think that kind of our Gen. Z, generation is stereotyped by the working industry that we don't want to go in the office, complain about everything, and are just gonna quit a job and move to the next one to get a higher salary, that's kind of the reputation that our generation has. But I think thats part of the reason I've had success in my career is because of just not feeling bad for myself, and you know, when I get knocked down, letting myself have a moment to be mad about it, and understand that I do deserve better. Then, finding a new path forward, and I think I've just witnessed a lot of people around me who get knocked down in a certain way and just feel really sorry for themselves like I hate it here. I don't want to be here. They don't treat me right, whatever. But the reality is, a lot of those occasions aren't personal. It's more just like there's a lot going on. And I mean, it is a business, after all. And this is not just within my organization. But I think a lot of organizations, even outside of sports.”